Wednesday, 27 February 2013

6 Weeks In

... and time for some life drawing.

It always feels like a cop-out using uni work as blog material - but then again, it's all work, and I'm pretty pleased with each of these pieces in their own way.

I don't really feel I've got much to say really... SUSHI peer review went well, and resultantly has put this blog into the shadows... Got a few things to think about - hopefully can start to get some stuff tightened up now. It feels weird... Things are falling into place too quickly. I feel like it should be considerably more difficult than it is. There must be something I'm missing...

But yes. I digress. For the 2 of you that probably actually read these ramblings, I appologise. For those that are here for the pretty pictures, then here you go.

Poses of varying length and medium. Long poses seem to be my downfall. I get less done than in short ones. Why?

Friday, 15 February 2013

Film Making: Making Films

Again, this blog has fallen disappointingly quiet for a period... But there is a reason! I was going upload some stuff from last semester in order to fill the silence, but it makes more sense to advertise what I've been up to, and hopefully encourage some of you across.

I'm making a film. Mon film de fin d'études, en effet...

So, you should follow it here:

SUSHI 2014

or else, the main character, Liam, may never release me from this head lock...

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Tree Inhabitants

As promised.

Some personal work.

I've recently become completely star-struck by the work of Chris Sanders, so thought I'd try injecting a bit of his style into a drawing... My original idea was to just practise drawing a few scribbles...

...But then, as usual, I got carried away and ended up here.