Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Cured Through Divine Intervention...

Of Penicillin.

First off, I must apologise for my lack of a post last week. I thought I could let it slide by, but my girlfriend, Aimée, pulled me up on it... It appears I cannot get away with slacking any more. My fans deserve better.

(She's not actually like this. She normally has something sharp to jab me with.)

But yeah, it was the last week before assessment and I had a print deadline to hit and then a Lit Review to produce and then on top off all of that, I managed to catch myself a nice bout of Tonsillitis. Not being able to eat, sleep or speak actually does wonders for productivity.

But I do not wish for it ever again.

So that's me all handed in. Don't really have anything new and personal to show you as all my efforts went into my course work which has been submitted already... So here. Have some of the observational work I did this semester that I managed to scan before submitting.

I'm really pleased with this last piece. Aimée had the great idea of taking her laptop into a café and using her tablet to draw people as it was less conspicuous. So I copied her.

Definitely going to do this is again. Nero has mint milkshakes after all.

The best type.

REVISION: Apparently if you promise the internet rabbits - even in a drawing - you must come up with the goods. So:

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Just a wee one this time around... Things are rushing up quickly to the deadline so finding time to do fun, unrelated things is near-on impossible to come by. But, one of the things I have recently finished is a quick 3D lipsync (emphasis on quick). I just got the inspiration to have a go at an 11 second club whilst I was in a Maya mood, so this happened. Never done it before. It's rather trickeh. But, I feel this was a first good attempt (minus the crazy eyebrows).

I'll maybe get the other 7 seconds complete once semester's over...

For more interesting stuff, check out SUSHI. It's where most of my work's going at the moment anyhow...

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


I've been back home for Easter weekend, getting a break from Dundee and playing with puppies. It's been awesome. Whilst I was home, I discovered an old sketchbook I'd had when I was in first year high school (about 8 years ago?) and remembered a couple of characters I'd drawn in it that I recall being incredibly proud of when I drew them:

I think they were created as a frustrated statement against how my sister used to watch "Sailor Moon" and how annoyed I was at how girly it was...

I never used to draw cartoons as I never knew what I wanted to do until the end of high school - I've only really been working on drawing from my imagination properly for the past couple of years. These two are examples of the very rare instances that I dared to draw from my mind.

Anyway, as a break from SUSHI work, I decided to try redrawing these now - 8 years later - as a gift to my former self. They're soo far from the kind of theme of stuff I draw now, but they were fun to do. I tried to keep it as close to the original drawings as possible - I don't think younger Andrew would have been impressed if I'd changed them...

Who knows... Maybe in another 8 years I'll come back to them again, hopefully having improved a bit more...