Thursday, 22 August 2013

Once Upon A Time In A Faraway Ireland...

Apologies for the late post this evening. I got on a roll with work and figured it foolish to break it considering the productive stagnation I seem to have adopted as of late. And thanks to a bum week, I've barely got further with Sushi work let alone anything new and fun for blog times.

So, bearing in mind that I've been working on backgrounds recently, I figured this post should continue in this vein. Here I've delved back to a project we started about this time last year, that unfortunately never quite made it to see the light of day... Set in Ireland and based on the Protestant/Catholic divide, the animation told the story of a Catholic schoolgirl who wandered into the Protestant area of town on her way home.

It was going to be magical. 

Despite the fact it never quite came together, I'm quite pleased with some of the work I produced during it. So here are 3 of my favourite backgrounds I produced for the film.

Considering this was my first time doing both backgrounds and digi painting, I don't feel I did too badly...

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

'Dem Posh Fermer Toypes.

Spent the last weekend avoiding backgrounds and wandering off to a country fair which my family goes to every year. It's the sort of thing that never changes and of which the novelty wears fast but yet we go every year. Mainly for all the dogs. They're fun.

What I've noticed is that these types of events seem to bring out all the posh farmers. The ones that love to hunt and wear the clothing but have probably never done any real manual labour in their lives. I present them thus:

I was planning to have coloured them, but my attention has been slightly diverted with a new addition to the Muir family household...


I think my excuse is valid.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Gingers In Paris

Not too long a post this time. Gonna start with a mandatory holiday illustration.

I found that in Paris, as soon as you sit down, it's inevitable that someone is going to come up and try and trick you into giving them money. I kept wondering why it was happening to me but then when I stopped and looked at myself I realised that a pasty, ginger kid on their own in Paris is a blatantly obvious target as an unwitting tourist. Luckily I wasn't scammed, but made this cartoon anyway to show my feels to the situation.

Think I'm going to come in and colour this at some point as I'm pretty pleased with it. Been working on my more dynamic posing too...

In other news, I've been doing some backgrounds for Sushi which you can find my


And finally, I'm currently making a present for one of my friend's 21st Birthday. When we were in Primary 3 (So 7/8 years old) we loved PokéMon. In that class, we were given booklets of blank paper to do what we wished with. So we made our own version PokéMon and I decided to make a draw of us in the middle of in intense battle in commemoration of this.

So here's me. Deeply involved in the intensity of battle...

Really like this style I've somehow come out with here. Definitely want to keep this up.