Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Maya 2012, 2012

I knew this was going to happen... I've become blog unresponsive. I'm busy starting work on my 4th year film which is basically just script writing and very little visual work that I feel ready to parade to the world. So, to combat these dry spells, I had prepared material for times of need.

Not only am I a 2D animator (or learning to be) I also enjoy dipping my toe in the digital world. Here are a couple of models I made last semester in Maya 2012, focusing on realism.

Pure NURBS Modelling

Pure Polygon Modelling

I then went on to texture this model, but as I ran out of time and my lighting is embarrassingly dodgy, I'll save that for a later upload.

Hopefully get some nice personal work up over the weekend or summin'. It'll probably be a lion. Brace yourselves.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Inevitable Distraction

All quiet on the blogging front... I'm back to school now, so there'll probably be larger voids appearing between my posts... But I'll try to not let it slide too much.

Been preparing for the pitch of my 4th year film tomorrow. So many potential ideas, so little time... So here's a wee teaser, if you will, for my story proposal.

I've also developed a Lion-Drawing epidemic.

A lion a day keeps the doctor... Well, I was at the doctor's today, so probably closer than usual...

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Life Drawing: Drawing Life

Just thought I'd drop off a wee bit more life drawing I've been doing over the holidays... The portraits were 10 minutes each, and the rest were 15 minutes each.

Done using a trusty red pencil and a standard ballpoint pen.

I really like the way the ballpoints turned out - definitely going to be making more use of that over the next semester. It also reminds me that I want to take an etching plate into a life drawing class at one point... New Years Resolution #2

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Make Your Own Title

Titles can be hard. This one allows you to be creative. This is me giving back.

Just a short post this time I think... I did a wee doodle for a friends 21st last night... But then got a bit carried away...

Hand inked then digi-coloured.

I'm pretty pleased with it actually. But am well aware I greatly need to improve my digi work. Currently in an internal battle with my love of linear work. I love line work, but most of my favourite illustrations that I aspire to don't have it. My goal is trying to find a happy medium. Pffffffffff...

The robot character is from my friend's comic which you can (and definitely should) purchase here:


Whereas the fox is from my comic which you could purchase here, if you so wish...:


Oh and finally, I uploaded my linetest from a PREVIOUS POST, so have a gander, and please leave any constructive comments you have. Now I've spent some time away from it, I can see a few things I need to tighten up anyway.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Must... Not... Stop...

I tried to do this last Christmas but failed miserably and felt the consequences, but have found it strangely easy this time around. Since it doesn't take long to get rusty, I've been keeping up with my life drawing over the holidays, so I can go back fresh and ready to start next semester. So here's some of what I've done.

All poses are about 2/3 minutes using a brush pen.