I make it sound a lot grander than it was. It was a normal day and not really that big a deal.
And this also lies on the presumption that I actually pass this year...
But yes. I've come back to life-draws again. A few scribbles I like from the latter half of our life drawing sessions this semester.
Mrs Green finds it simply preposterous how Madame Orange parades about on a warm summer's day, but Madame Orange could not give a damn.
I really need to start getting some character into the expressions of these drawings. I really struggle to caricature stuff - anything really. I think these last two ladies are a step in the right direction.
We had a really long pose one session, and I got bored and thought I'd try a turnaround. Quick 5 minute continuous line studies that I shaded in and animated into a GIF in photoshop. It's not the greatest, but I think it's certainly not too bad an effort.
In SUSHI related news, buildings, buildings, buildings...