Wednesday 27 March 2013

No More Nudity

Today marked the last life-drawing lesson of my third year here at Duncan of Jordanstone... *sniff*

I make it sound a lot grander than it was. It was a normal day and not really that big a deal.

And this also lies on the presumption that I actually pass this year...

But yes. I've come back to life-draws again. A few scribbles I like from the latter half of our life drawing sessions this semester.

Mrs Green finds it simply preposterous how Madame Orange parades about on a warm summer's day, but Madame Orange could not give a damn.

I really need to start getting some character into the expressions of these drawings. I really struggle to caricature stuff - anything really. I think these last two ladies are a step in the right direction.

We had a really long pose one session, and I got bored and thought I'd try a turnaround. Quick 5 minute continuous line studies that I shaded in and animated into a GIF in photoshop. It's not the greatest, but I think it's certainly not too bad an effort.

In SUSHI related news, buildings, buildings, buildings...

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Meet Dave

I've been sitting tinkering away at some 3D stuff over the past wee while. Feeling pretty deflated with my films at the moment, so it's been a well received break whilst still being productive.

Using 3D to unwind... Who could have predicted?

I've spent the class modelling and rigging this chap with a fantastic nose and now he's finally able to animate. We started with a wee walk cycle and now we're onto tackling a past 11 second club sound-clip. I'm working with Birte for this and she's doing the other character, so you can only see mine at the moment. It's just in the rough key section at the moment, with a blank gap in the middle in order to play off Birte's animation but I think it's looking rather nice for a first attempt. Take a look:

I can already spot some things I need to change - subtle movements and more natural poses etc, but yes. Thoughts are always welcome. I just wish I'd rigged and skinned it better. Immature impatience.

I got bored one night so modelled a wee fruit stall for the animation:

I do rather enjoy modelling.

How my principles have changed...

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Both a metaphor and an artwork description. Been sort of floating about recently. Airily dipping half-heartedly into one project and then into another and so on... Which of course doesn't do much for either morale or motivation...

However, I don't know what's happened, but I feel kinda re-inspired. Probably something to do with the purchase of this:
Mock me all you wish, but until you use one for yourself, you will never understand... Never understand... So yes. Hopefully things will start to come together now. Only a few teaching weeks left, so gotta get my life back together before I'm stranded in the wilderness...

Let's wrap up. I'll bring you to the second reason for this title. Started doodling. Finished doodling.

I was going to go and add shading/coloured pencil into this, but decided I'd give digitising it a go first. My first attempt made me sad. I really need to improve my digital work beyond flat cell shading. Hopefully get the coloured version to you one day... One day...